Learning Technology Index




What is it?

PrairieLearn is an online problem-driven learning system for creating homework and tests. It allows questions to be written using arbitrary HTML, JavaScript, and Python, thus enabling very powerful questions that can randomize and auto-grade themselves and can access client- and server-side libraries to handle tasks such as graphical drawing, symbolic algebra, and student code compilation and execution.

What is its purpose?

PrairieLearn serves as an online educational platform specifically designed to enhance teaching and learning experiences, particularly in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). It is tailored for generating, delivering, and grading assessments, quizzes, and interactive educational content in academic settings, particularly in higher education.

How do I use it?

As the PrairieLearn source code is publicly available, it's possible to run PrairieLearn on the university infrastructure. Running a single instance of the PrairieLearn server may be appropriate for tens or hundreds of total users. Additionally, PrairieLearn offers a hosting service for a fee, providing an alternative for institutions that prefer a managed hosting solution. After acquiring the tool, instructors create accounts, set up classes, create assessments, and invite students to participate. 

Why would I use it?

PrairieLearn enables instructors to create dynamic educational resources through code and generate infinite question variants with automatic grading and real-time feedback. In addition, PrairieLearn can help students master content by encouraging them to attempt various versions of the same question until they achieve proficiency.

Quick Facts
Rating Level 
Web Search
Last Modified
29 April 2024
19 December 2023
License Available 
More Info

Security Concerns
Technical Support 

Ratings Information

CITL Rating

Select any category below for details about the criteria for each rating.

Functionality: ★★★
Works Well.
Ease of Use:★★☆
Minor Concerns.
Tech Support/Help Availability (for Instructors):★★★
Works Well.
Tech Support/Help Availability (for Students):★★★
Works Well.
Hypermediality :
Not Applicable.
Accessibility: ★★☆
Accessibility Standards:★★☆
Minor Concerns.
User-focused participation:★★☆
Minor Concerns.
Required Equipment:★★★
Works Well.
Technical: ★★★
Integration/Embedding within a Learning Management System (LMS) :★★☆
Minor Concerns.
Operating Systems:★★★
Works Well.
Web Browser:★★★
Works Well.
Additional Technical Requirements:★★★
Works Well.
Mobile Design: ★★☆
Works Well.
Works Well.
Offline Access:★☆☆
Serious Concerns.
Usage and Account Set Up: ★★☆
Sign Up/Sign In:★☆☆
Serious Concerns.
Cost of Use:★★☆
Minor Concerns.
Archiving, Saving, and Exporting Data :★★☆
Minor Concerns.
Data Privacy and Ownership:★★★
Works Well.
Social Presence:
Collaboration :
Not Applicable.
User Accountability:
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Teaching Presence: ★★☆
Serious Concerns.
Minor Concerns.
Learning Analytics:★★★
Works Well.
Cognitive Presence: ★★☆
Enhancement of Cognitive Task(s):★★☆
Minor Concerns.
Higher Order Thinking:★★☆
Minor Concerns.
Feedback on Learning:★★☆
Minor Concerns.

Security and Privacy

There are currently no security or privacy concerns for this tool.

Support Information

PrairieLearn's website features a support center webpage with tutorials, documentation, and examples. Additionally, educators can seek assistance through various channels, including email (support@prairielearn.com), the webpage's Contact Us form, participation in the Slack Community, and GitHub discussions.


Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

230 Elizabeth Ave, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1B 3X9

Postal Address: P.O. Box 4200, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1C 5S7

Tel: (709) 864-8000