Learning Technology Index



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What is it?

GitHub, Inc., operating as a platform and cloud-based service, facilitates software development and version control utilizing Git. It enables developers to securely store and oversee their code, offering distributed version control along with various features such as access control, bug tracking, software feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and project-specific wikis.

What is its purpose?

GitHub's main purpose is to offer a platform for software developers to work collaboratively by hosting and reviewing code, managing projects, and building software with a peer community. It serves as a hub for version control, enabling seamless collaboration and communication within development teams.


For educational purposes, GitHub Classroom can be an effective tool.

How do I use it?

To access and use GitHub, start by creating an account on its website. Familiarize yourself with GitHub's features, such as repositories, branches, pull requests, and projects. Also, make sure you have Git, the underlying version control system, installed on your device. Once set up, create your own repository to manage your code and collaborate with others. Start coding, push changes, and create pull requests for review. You can also explore and contribute to open source projects by forking repositories and proposing changes. Check out GitHub's documentation for more information on how to maximize the collaborative potential of the platform. Github also has an app on App Store  and Google Play Store.

Why would I use it?

GitHub can be a valuable tool to enhance your teaching and research efforts. You can use GitHub to provide a collaborative platform for your students to work together on coding projects, share resources, and learn from each other's code. It provides a consistent version control environment so you can track the progress of individual students or groups throughout the development process. You can also create and manage assignments, review student code changes, and provide timely feedback for a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

In addition, GitHub can be instrumental in advancing your research efforts. It allows you to share your research code and findings with the broader academic community, fostering collaboration and potentially increasing the impact of your research. By using GitHub, you can also contribute to and benefit from open source projects and stay abreast of the latest advances in your field. The platform's built-in issue tracking and project management tools can help you effectively organize and coordinate research projects, facilitating smoother collaboration with your colleagues and students.

Usage considerations

GitHub provides both free and paid plans for storing and collaborating on code. Certain plans are exclusively accessible to personal accounts, while others are reserved for organization and enterprise accounts.

Quick Facts
Productivity and Organizational Technologies
Rating Level 
Web Search
Last Modified
22 May 2024
23 October 2023
License Available 
More Info

Security Concerns
Technical Support 
Any platform. Requires a modern web browser. Apps are available for IOS and Android.

Ratings Information

CITL Rating

Select any category below for details about the criteria for each rating.

Functionality: ★★★
Works Well. Works well, especially with GitHub Classroom. https://classroom.github.com/
Ease of Use:★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Tech Support/Help Availability (for Instructors):★★☆
Minor Concerns. Minor Concerns. Not Supported by MUN so only technical support available is by GitHub.
Tech Support/Help Availability (for Students):
Not Applicable.Minor Concerns. Not Supported by MUN so only technical support available is by GitHub.
Hypermediality :★★☆
Minor Concerns. Minor concern. It allows for communication through assignments and grading (GitHub Classroom) but there is no mention of offering courses through visuals & audio.
Accessibility: ★★★
Accessibility Standards:★★★
Works Well. Works well. More info here: https://accessibility.github.com/
User-focused participation:★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Required Equipment:★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Technical: ★★★
Integration/Embedding within a Learning Management System (LMS) :★☆☆
Serious Concerns. Serious concern: Cannot be embedded in the Brightspace system.
Operating Systems:★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Web Browser:★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Additional Technical Requirements:★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Mobile Design: ★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Works Well. Works well.
Offline Access:★★☆
Minor Concerns. Minor Concern: The mobile version cannot be used as effectively in offline mode.
Usage and Account Set Up: ★★★
Sign Up/Sign In:★★☆
Minor Concerns. Minor Concern: Creating an account is necessary to use full features.
Cost of Use:★★☆
Minor Concerns. Minor Concern: Pro version is 4$ a month.
Archiving, Saving, and Exporting Data :★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Data Privacy and Ownership:★★★
Works Well. Works well. More information here: https://docs.github.com/en/site-policy/privacy-policies/github-privacy-statement
Social Presence: ★★★
Collaboration :★★★
Works Well. Works well.
User Accountability:
Not Applicable. Not Applicable: The only action to prevent an abusive user is to report/block them.
Minor Concerns. Minor Concern: It is widely known but mostly popular among the coder community.
Teaching Presence: ★★★
Works Well. Works Well. GitHub Classrooms might be useful for organizing courses: https://classroom.github.com/
Works Well. Works Well. GitHub Classrooms might be useful for organizing classes and customization: https://classroom.github.com/
Learning Analytics:★★★
Works Well. Works Well through GitHub Classrooms: https://classroom.github.com/
Cognitive Presence: ★★★
Enhancement of Cognitive Task(s):★★★
Works Well. Works well, especially through GitHub Classrooms.
Higher Order Thinking:★★★
Works Well. Works well.
Feedback on Learning:★★★
Works Well. Works well, especially through GitHub Classrooms.

Security and Privacy

The service is not offered by Memorial University and has not been reviewed by Information Management and Protection.

Support Information

Github has a dedicated support page to assist its users with any questions they might have.  There is also a community forum users to refer to to ask for advice from other users in the community.

Other Note(s)



GitHub, established in 2008, has a long history that started with its founders, Chris Wanstrath, Tom Preston-Werner, and PJ Hyett, striving to streamline code sharing and collaboration for software development projects. The platform rapidly gained popularity within the developer community, offering an easy-to-use interface for Git-based version control. Its emphasis on fostering collaboration and transparency in software development greatly contributed to GitHub's rapid growth and adoption among both individual developers and large organizations. With time, GitHub became a leading platform for version control, project management, and code collaboration, playing a vital role in shaping modern software development practices.

In 2018, Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub marked a significant milestone in the platform's history. Under Microsoft's leadership, GitHub expanded its services and integrations, solidifying its position as a central hub for open-source development and collaborative software projects. GitHub's commitment to supporting a thriving developer community, along with continuous improvements to its features and functionalities, has established it as an essential tool for developers worldwide, fostering innovation and enabling seamless global collaboration.


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