Learning Technology Guide - DEV

Adobe Captivate

learning object creatorinteractivecontent deliverylms integration

What is it?

Adobe Captivate is a software application for creating eLearning content such as interactive simulations, software demonstrations, branched scenarios, and quizzes.

What is its purpose?

Adobe Captivate is used to create learning objects to facilitate teaching and learning and to improve the students' understanding of the course content. The objects created by Adobe Captivate can be used for educational courses as well as employee or compliance training, simulations, demonstrations, assessments and quizzes, and remote learning.

You can create learning objects in and convert MS PowerPoint presentations to HTML5 format, create SCORM objects and screencast with Adobe Captivate.

How do I use it?

Adobe Captivate is available at the Teaching and Learning Exchange, G.A. Hickman (Education) Building, ED-1001. 

Why would I use it?

You would use Adobe Captivate to create eLearning objects that can be integrated into your Brightspace course shell. These objects can help deliver the course content and make it easier for them to grasp difficult topics.

Quick Facts
Object Creation
Rating Level 
Web Search
Adobe Captivate
Last Modified
18 June 2024
05 March 2024
License Available 
More Info

Security Concerns
Technical Support 
Windows, MacOS, Linux

Ratings Information

CITL Rating

Select any category below for details about the criteria for each rating.

Functionality: ★★☆
Works Well.
Ease of Use:★★☆
Minor Concerns. Use of the tool is not intuitive and it takes some time to understand and fully utilize it. The lack of standardized themes and templates makes it arduous for non-specialized users to start from scratch for each unit they are developing.
Tech Support/Help Availability (for Instructors):★★☆
Minor Concerns. Technical support is provided by the vendor.
Tech Support/Help Availability (for Students):★★☆
Minor Concerns. Technical support is provided by the vendor.
Hypermediality :
Not Applicable.
Accessibility: ★★★
Accessibility Standards:★★★
Works Well.
User-focused participation:★★☆
Minor Concerns. The tool requires some specialization and therefore not suitable for diverse uses.
Required Equipment:★★★
Works Well.
Technical: ★★★
Integration/Embedding within a Learning Management System (LMS) :★★★
Works Well.
Operating Systems:★★★
Works Well.
Web Browser:
Not Applicable.
Additional Technical Requirements:★★☆
Minor Concerns. Users need to download additional software.
Mobile Design: ★★★
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Offline Access:★★★
Works Well.
Usage and Account Set Up: ★★☆
Sign Up/Sign In:★☆☆
Serious Concerns. All users (instructors and learners) must create an external account.
Cost of Use:★☆☆
Serious Concerns. Use of the tool requires a fee.
Archiving, Saving, and Exporting Data :★★★
Works Well.
Data Privacy and Ownership:★★★
Works Well.
Social Presence:
Collaboration :
Not Applicable.
User Accountability:
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Teaching Presence: ★★★
Not Applicable.
Works Well.
Learning Analytics:
Not Applicable.
Cognitive Presence: ★★★
Enhancement of Cognitive Task(s):★★★
Works Well.
Higher Order Thinking:★★★
Works Well.
Feedback on Learning:★★★
Works Well.

Security and Privacy

The service is not offered by Memorial University and has not been reviewed by Information Management and Protection.

Support Information

Adobe Captivate provides support to its users through its Learn & Support, User Guide, Get Started, FAQ, and Community pages, as well as the Adobe Captivate Help manual.

Note: Instructional Support is available through CITL. Please connect with Learning Technology Coaches for assistance ltc_citl@mun.ca or visit the Teaching and Learning Exchange in ED 1001, St. John’s Campus.


Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

230 Elizabeth Ave, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1B 3X9

Postal Address: P.O. Box 4200, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1C 5S7

Tel: (709) 864-8000