Prefix (include Mr. Mrs. Dr. Professor Ms. and Mx.)
First Name
Last Name
Institution/Affiliation (if applicable)
Verify Email
Daytime Phone Number
As you prepare your proposal, please keep these questions in mind:What does the concept of transformative learning mean to you?How do you create opportunities for transformative learning through your curriculum, instruction and use of technology?
Session Title
Session Format
We will be streaming some sessions live to remote participants, and recording these sessions for review along with the presentation material from this event. Do you agree to stream your session to remote participants and make it available for review after the event?
230 Elizabeth Ave, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1B 3X9
Postal Address: P.O. Box 4200, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1C 5S7
Tel: (709) 864-8000